
Do You Even Bootcamp!? Clarkson operates out of Anthony Waring and Riverlinks parks and in Clarkson WA 6030!

Click HERE to open Anthony Waring Park location in Google Maps.

Click HERE to open Riverlinks Park location in Google Maps.


All classes run for one hour including warm up and cool down.

What are you prepared to invest in yourself?!

Your training is an investment in YOU. By joining our club you are doing something very positive for yourself! And the ripple effect will help those around you too.

Most of our members on our unlimited package attend 3, 4, or even 5+ classes per week, making it a very good value option. Results come from consistent and regular training. Alternatively, you can commit to 1 or 2 sessions per week.

There is no joining fee and no fixed term contract – you join on a monthly rolling basis.

Contact Megan for more information or to register for your


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